Friday, September 3, 2010

Buy a handphone - Lady JiaJia ft. Xianhao,Yan Shen, Shao Tang and the rest of 2-5

It was a parody of Telephone for Teacher's Day.epic :)

Hello,hello teachers you scold I can't hear a thing
I forgot to bring my homework today again!
What...what did you just say you're detentionin' me
Sorry i can't go detention I have CCA
I have CCA
I have CCA
Sorry I can't go detention I have CCA

Just...just a second you are calling my parents is it?
Alright alright I will do my homework now OW!
But when I don't do well you still call my parents huh?
So I guess I will mug until you are happy de

Stop calling stop calling I promise to do better now
I will no disappoint you in the next MR!
Stop calling stop calling I promise to get all A1
I will not disappoint you in the next MR!

Adrian Tay, Zhang Xiumei, Endang and Mr Yeo,
I will not disappoint Zenia Zheng, Ng Mun Leong, Ee Han Siong,
And Ms Chng,
Qiu Yiru Chen Jiejue, Esther Ding and Raihanna,
I love your lessons, not to forget Ismawati, Jesstern Rays

If you think that I just love to call and call then you're obviously wrong
Cos' my phone bill isn't free and I still have to buy a handphone (iPhone4 sucks)
If you think that I just love to call and call then you're obviously wrong
Cos' my phone bill isn't free and I still have to buy a handphone (iPhone4 sucks)

Teachers why you're doing this there are better methods
Like keeping EZ-link cards or you can take my handphone
I should have left my stuffs at home so you won't take anything
However in the end you still call my parents

You say you hate me calling but here's the irony
Ever since I called and you're doing better
But it's your encouragement that pushes me to do well
So Iwant to thank you for your encouragement yay!
Encouragement yay!
Encouragement yay!
So I want to thank you for your encouragement yay!

Stop calling stop calling I promise to do better now
I will no disappoint you in the next MR!
Stop calling stop calling I promise to get all A1
I will not disappoint you in the next MR!

Adrian Tay, Zhang Xiumei, Endang and Mr Yeo,
I will not disappoint Zenia Zheng, Ng Mun Leong, Ee Han Siong,
And Ms Chng,
Qiu Yiru, Chen Jiejue, Esther Ding and Raihanna,
I love you lessons, not to forget Ismawati, Jesstern Rays

If you think that I just love to call and call then you're obviously wrong
Cos' my phone bill isn't free and I still have to buy a handphone (iPhone4 sucks)
If you think that I just love to call and call then you're obviously wrong
Cos' my phone bill isn't free and I still have to buy a handphone (iPhone4 sucks)

Buy...a handphone!
Buy...a handphone!
Cos' my phone bill isn't free and I still have to buy a handphone!

Buy...a handphone!
Buy...a handphone!
Cos my phone bill isn't free and I still have to buy a handphone!

Click on the hyperlink to see the live performance (to ms chng)! need a facebook to login. and u need to add xianhao. so good luck to ppl like jia yi!

Teacher's Day part 2

Ah yes,start of the day.

Woke up at 6.30(woots early again!)

Wore my school uniform.

What school uniform?!!!it's Be Yourself Day! we can wear whatever we like!so i wore a black shirt and a jeans.

Then we got our PB juniors. woots juniors!

Then it was carpe diem!instead of having normal carpe diem lessons, each class had to present a performance for the teachers.

Guess what,we were the 3rd class. then we sang the most epic parody.

I got the loudest cheers :) (just kidding)

Then it was assembly.losts of great performances! (see facebook for vids)

Then they gave out best dressed prize(zzz i should hv gone on with what i wanted to wear)

Then can go home.

I say until so boring. its 1000x more fun than that!

Teacher's Day

Actually it should be i go cat high 1st,then nanyang pri.but the former has mroe to write i shall start with the latter.chim english eh?

Basically i chiong-ed to nanyang. then i saw alot of primary school friends.holy shit.they all look so different =.=

Spent some quality time with them,then went to visit the sad.mrs chee gone :(
but i saw ms seow.holy shit.she looks so different too.i walked past her and couldnt even recognise her.

then i kachiao-ed my bro's class and achiao-ed his school bus and took a free ride home :)

ponning for a purpose : YOG table-tennis mixed competition

I declare that T3W9/10 are the best weeks i ever had in school!

I'm quite enthu about yog(it's a once in a lifetime chance) so keep wanting to get a the end cannot get.

But when i went with yanshen,jake,jia jun and a couple other ppl we realised that table-tennis tickets were all sold out,so we took a taxi personally(squeezing wanton inside).and guess what, when we went to indoor stadium,the guy told us we definitely can buy impromptu tickets. but will the school allow?

Guess what, we thought maybe the school only cares about results wont let us go. in the end, after assembly NML asked us to call parents then can go le :D

The action was amazing. esp the jap vs sin match.

We also went to the Cultural Exhibition at!

And we did the same thing the next day :)

Photos on facebook!dont be jealous when you see them!

Friday, July 30, 2010

long time no post!

This blog's gonna become rusty.5 weeks never post le haiz :P

What happened in the last 5 weeks is too long to i shall put it in a nutshell.
-went for IMT(failed) and scuba diving (epic fun!)
-had swensen's with jiayi with the voucher we won at scrabble
-got punished dono how many times(as usual lol)
-went for dono how many chinese make-ups
-changed seating arrangement so that i can be another vampire :P
-went for inception with 2-6 peeps
-went for malay scrabble comp (3rd prize)
-ears bled after combined rehearsals with SNYO.
-went for boom!(nice show!)
-ppl banned,ppl caned,extra parents complaining about ppl using fb in class

Err...i think thats about all.they're all damn random,cos im just writing whatever came to mind.

Perhaps something that has significantly changed is my attitude towards ncc.cant believe that 1 1/2 year ago i sian sian wearing that uniform,but now everything seems so normal.that love for this cca is damn hard to describe...

Its only july but our juniors have already become damn garang.can suan clinton somemore(i guess anyone can do that).but srsly i think this badge is quite cool,looking forward to taking over them next year!since camp that bridge between platoons narrowed by alot i guess.

Eh but i also realised taking over is not easy.recently we had just become part a(sec2s)!i guess thats nothing to be proud of cos its the result of us srsly screwing things up.but thinking about it it seems funny.well...those councillors are really creative!i guess we still have quite a long way to go.

Thats all for this week!still got loads of tests and stuff.i must admit im really feeling the stress already(but nothing can be as bad as what the sec4s are going through now.everyday do pb duty on 5th floor must see those constipated faces lol.).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Annual camp

Havent posted for >2wks already.

Just got back from annual camp,which was quite boring compared to last year's.

1st day : went ifc,played owned.

Then tg(aka goodguy ic) left our group(foxtrot) cos he trauma after getting taopoked.then go hospital.zzz all this in the middle of the night.after that ttan took over as ic cos i day even worse,supposed to go heritage trail,but end up raining so it got our 2nd day was spent doing stuff like building tall chains of marshmallows(ours toppled). whole day everyone like damn emo.its not anyone's fault,im sure even the ics are pissed also.afterall heritage trail is supposed to be the essence of the camp.then played wargame in the night owned.especially 2nd game,when all of us were killed by sir for shining torchlight at him =.="'.in the night me and ttan spent time doing cheer (which really sucked,but can we be blamed?)and chose POC(he went on to become OOC).during this period we lost the rifle/flag about 4-5 times le >< .

Went home on the next day.woke up damn late today.with lots of cramps.

zzz so perhaps the 3d2n approach this time didnt work well.or perhaps if there was heritage trail i could hv written YOU RAIN!!! but anyway we did more reflection this least we take something out of this.

Hope tg get well soon.byebye.*yawn*

Monday, May 31, 2010

Argh...finally D:

I thought this post will posted.

Clue: my last want is fufilled

At the most unexpected time,wan terng found me on fbchat to ask me whether i want to go watch prince of persia.and 2 posts ago i was,it felt great! :) and even more that its the end of may!

Prince of persia was quite epic,many many fight scenes,which is nice to see.but wan terng keep on holding my hand cos he say he feel cold =.= wtf with his natural insulation and long-sleeves?!!!!!woots!so happy about this!LOL.hope we can watch movies.

Also last saturday,me and yy went to be part of the record for having the 1st mass walk lead by audio.which is the "live it up without lighting up" campaign!quite cool,it was lead by soo,then daniel ong was waiting at the end point.and we had to follow instructions on 987fm and stuff.but i dont think i will ever take tobacco =/ after the walk was a party,which featured some great acts.i <3 one which had 2 french people showing off football skills.whoa.

Great start to june holidays!lots of catch up to do still!

But,at 14 years 2 months and 9 days old,i finally broke the curse of never watching movies with friends :)

And yes,i finally have a post with nothing to kp about again

Monday, May 17, 2010

2-5 : Revenge of the cute people

Ah gawd my results damn cmi.i've already got 13pts,and that dosent include history.damnit looks like i wont be getting my 1st 2 wants this year,although its just 30% so far (sorry bryan).the most iritating thing,i failed the bloody chinese common test(by 0.5 mark) cos i didnt mug for 填写汉字.noobster la end up got screwed by zxm,then go home get screwed by my mum =.= .argh gonna mug that component this term.besides that,science,maths all damn screwed also.esp maths,1st time never get A1,damn 欠揍.somemore all careless mistakes,what never put negative sign,sketch wrongly zzz =.= gotta stop making careless mistakes.die although i dont really need triple science,cant get there really lao kui.

Actually i have a good reason for those decline.notice its only at the start of this term that wanterng and ttan sat beside me.both werent high flyers in chinese. but this time round both were the described this as 瞎猫捉到死老鼠.yup,im guess im the dead mouse,split into two by a vampire pig and a vampire teddy bear :'( .not sure if the vampire pig leeched the vampire teddy bear in english though =.=

Yup so i guess i will be mugging this holiday.

Then we had ncc trng after a long while.whoa i think we did one of our best drills of all time,until clinton screwed up the timing =.= .then ran 1rd ard bishan park with sir.woots.

Then sat was supposed to be chma for me.want watch with cousin,but end up he want stay home and study.aiyo.i heard it was damn epic,esp esmond's band who played 2 songs by iron maiden and green day.whoa must be damn epic.crowd asked for encore,end up they got disqualified because of the encore.sad.but the encore was the trooper by iron year must srsly go watch chma!

Ah yes on that night lei koko came back after a LONG voyage from qingdao to san francisco(spelling fail lol).ok he also went for holiday in LA.but anyway we werent supposed to pick him,but my lil' bro was pestering my dad,so we went in the end.whoa how 3mths flies.caught up with him and then had supper at 12.40am =.= LOL.Ah yes,this blog was created just after he went,so welcome to my blog LOL!reached home at ard 2.30am.whoa damn tired.

Not done yet :D .next day under mutton's recommendation we went to nando's chicken.whoa quite nice.queued for ard 40mins.whoa torturing.the smell was coming out from the kitchen,making me uber hungry.really quite nice,although its not sth i will have the urge to eat again.everything was good,just that i ate too much and got too full,then want to vomit.aiyo sad.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Grrr this post is supposed to be about the movie,but fate scammed me again.FML.maybe im just not meant to watch movies with friends :(

Anyway stayed up to 1am to follow the epic 8-0.gratz chelsea. :D

Btw the charts now have 2 bubbling unders,which are denoted by 'BB'.

Speaking of BB, bb.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Animal farm!

SHIOK!!!though my SA1 didnt go too well =/.yesterday was maths,which means that we are done this term!!!but,why are we treating it as if we just finished o levels :O .anyway,2 hours after exam mdm ee came in,say

"Those who think you will fail please stand behind now."

What happened after that is insignificant,but anyways mdm ee went through the paper(no results =/).oh noes,looks like 1 careless mistake caused me my A1.anyway,if my calculations are precise,i just missed A2 by a hairlength,and thats cos mdm ee round up 74.5% for maths test to yup,gonna tell her that after i get my results.if it fails,it means that i most likely will not have an A1 in a term for the 1st time D:D:D: after that mr chan still want go through mac**th ,chiongster =.=

After that went home play com then go Animal Farm.met in one big lump in the train,and went in one big lump =.= .anyway,i expected the play to be quite epic,cos its so widely publicised,and it did not fail me.the special effects were cool,the acting was notbad,and the music was made on the spot by a sort-of DJ.nice~ however,the 2-6 sitting behind were making alot of noise which spoiled the exp by abit.end up a member of public had to shh us,then after that she complain to the staff what school we're from,and the staff got it rite =.= .see,when i turn behind remind them to keep quiet they scold me.say i prefect damn big izit,which precisely im one thats why i dont like people who disgrace our school.zzz.irritating man.hope you guys get punished openly if anything happens,and im not taking any responsibility cos im on duty :D .only 2-6.would <3 to see you get screwed man...disgrace sia...childish people with no concert etiquette.ok enuf talk on small people.

Anyway after the concert(which ended around 10) we went to macs until 10.30.wah,me and jialer reached home ard 11.10,then ithink yy reached home ard 12mn.wah.never had supper with family,what more friends!that made the best theatre night out.the past few plays(kill mockingbird/lord of flies/chinese play) were boring sia in terms of both the show and the,eat,watch play then zao home liao.we dont hv these things happening everyday,so shouldnt we make the most out of it and not just think of going home soonest??well,glad we did that.

Movie on monday!i call 10/5 MovieMonday!i admit its damn sad that im watching movie with frens only at sec2,but it could hv been much earlier but my schedule always dont allow me.yup rly looking forward to iron man.

Ah the past/next few days are what i call secondary school life :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ah finally went to swensens last friday with tg!shiok!!!actually i promised him for at least 1.5mths already,but everyday cannot go,until last day =.= .wah we expected a short queue,but in the end the queue was mega huge,cos' people are going for 1 for 1 lunch treat =.= .end up we queued for 35mins,and took 10mins to finish that whole think. LOL.but i must say it was worth it.oh yeah,i was wearing jia ler's name tag cos' i lost mine,then the waiter was like "mr jia ler,this way in please"LOL.imagine the real jia ler was here,that would be fun! xD anyway it was shiok!!!and i still have that $10 voucher.

Next day was mum extra say cannot go my ahma house,dono for what,just plain extra?in the end she say i take mrt there and come back on my own then i agreed,cos theres no use staying at home,in fact going there to do hw is more efficient ;D LOL.just as i was about to take mrt from macpherson(scary =/)at about 11pm,my mum called say my dad fetch kick sia.anticlimax.

N00bshit today was a bloody pissing day(dont want to talk about it =/).actually it wasnt that shitty,but from 9am onwards it was spoiled by some fking arsholes who have nothing better to do.srsly fking arsholes i say.ok no references to anyone,just venting my anger,no offence(i dont wanna get sacked).anyway i hope this day wont come again.otherwise i would be dead earlier than some ppl.

我要看铁人!!!我要看铁人!!LOL.iron man2 what.anyway im really looking forward to it.guys dont forget to invite me ah :D then friday got last day of exam,and animal farm all on the same day!!!WOOHOO!!!shiok!!!! ;D

feels good to end this post on a light note!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Crappish stuff!

Eee...the past week was full of tests...or retests,whatever.

1st failed science,then failed 2 maths.zzz those are my 2 best subjects,and i'm failing class tests.then we had retests,mdm ee's was much easier,so was mrs lim's.guess what,though not everyone failed,all came for mdm ee's retest,just because she said she will take the higher score,which means to say that theres no penalty for failing =.= .mrs lim's?she came in (or rather the replacement teacher came),and gave us a retest,while on mc =.= .wtf dont even have time to study.argh tomorrow acc test >.< .science?though max mark for me now is 10/20,which is quite certain,A1's definitely not out of reach,cos SPA ftw man!and now that i got all the bloody concepts right...anyway,today we also got back our compre,wanterng leech me and ttan by sitting with us in groups,or in lessons,playing with my ear,then we make him do everything,thats why he got so high for compre =.= .zzz he distract us cause us to score badly,then he do so well,the ways of the hacker,or trickster...=.=

Oh and speaking of terence tan(with yikai's melodic voice of course),lets talk about him on a lighter note.he sits beside me,and distracts me by looking like a teddy bear =.= .he is a quite boy,and gets irritated easily,thats why he's a quiet boy =.= .likes to say random things and do random things to people within a 2.69m radius of him.recently he has also been leeching me like wanterng.i remember 1 term ago he was copying my hw,and im teaching him algebra,but so fast its been the exact opposite now.well i just hope we can all get through,and i think im leeching his english too =.=,but not as much as maths.

Recently alotalot of things have been happening in our friday fights between that 2 guys(or gals xD) who have the same face shape.between those 4 people,ilike wanterng and keshang more.because wanterng is a chubby guy,and perhaps a glutton,but also friendly.keshang is abit extra,hey but he's nice to play with.but i dono why wanterng master resetted keshang's phone.seriously i didnt expect wanterng.ok enough of this nonsense,i just hope things go better soon.

I know my blog is not as humourous as certain people's,like tg(see,but its not really meant to be that way either.cos im a bad joker imo,so i shall not be a any ways i will try,but dont suan me ok? :D


Thursday, April 22, 2010


I admit i had a super poor last 2 weeks,but things are getting better,if only bit by bit.

Yesterday we had investiture,but who knew i was only 1 shave away from not being able to be invested.i as given 1 day to thing about stepping down,and thanks to the support of the people around me,i chose to stay on,risking the sack anytime.

I thought after the rehearsal,that invest maybe wasnt so big after all,but i realised it was much bigger than i thought.most of us had a guest school to take,and lucky yann yih got nygh andrews was supposed to come too,but i guess they were too scared so they AWOL.anyway it was quite grand,in my perspective.oh yeah,when it was time for guest schools to receive souveneirs,nygh ,st nicks and RI got the loudest cheers.LOL.not sure why they cheer for RI :O

Anyway with this invest comes a huge load of responsibilities,and i can't afford to compromise on the oath anymore(you know what i mean),so i guess i will be taking these measures to prove that im not just talking:

1.meeting jia ler at bus stop at 6.45 everyday
2.making sure i reach school by 7.10 everyday(ok they are linked)
3.asking for opinions from other SLs

Yup,im really trying to make the effort to serve well,and not just be an SL that dosent seem to be one.i hope you guys can understand what im trying to do :)

Recently my academics have been quite on a low.1st science,then maths.luckily science can still be saved with good SPA/main paper results,and maths can be re-tested,and the higher mark will be taken.problem is,the other class test is equally screwed,with almost/no one finishing,especially that 7m question,so i guess we are all GG.why is everything becoming so hard?well if everything is becoming so hard i guess i will mug 1x10^(the magic number) then.

Until then,thats all for this post :)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Maybe turning 14 wasnt so good after all.

Never had to deliberate about passing napfa as far as sec sch is concerned.but guess what,the standing board jump passing mark for 14 yrs is 18cm higher than 13 yrs.and the passing mark for 14 is D grade for 13.unfair sia.i jumped 181.zzz.emo.

The past week including this week was test was so screwed...y and x mixed up.then,SNYO audition into main orchestra failed,by 1 mark.zzzzzzzzz^69

This is not the 1st time im swaying for 1 mark.everytime i just have to miss by that magic number,or else i would have got the whole world by now. the most frustrating thing...that 1 mark is made by the seemingly stupidest mistakes in the world.perhpas its just reality.sigh.

But on second thought,maybe its good that i didnt get in,cos' that would only make me 1x10^69 times busier than i already am.

LOL got scolded by zhang lao shi for saying 69 in class.surprisingly she knew what it was O.o

Hope for a 1x10^69 times better week!LOL

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blogger stuff update 1

The "Favourite music of the week" section has only 5 songs,unlike radiodaydream/987's top20.this is because the chart was just launched.gradually it will be expanded,and will include the weeks/peak/postion change bar.


Had a great week!actually there were some bad days,but here lets be positive!caught up with maths/science on monday just before class test,had cross-country on tuesday,and a filled april fools day.
Cross-country was usual,i went for my yearly breakfast at macs,this time with friends!supposed to take a bus there,but somebody...decided to go oppsite bus stop and take 52,causing us to be delayed by 30 mins LOL.the track was jungle-filled,then suddenly we were running on lornie quite cool,especially when you rush down that tight slope.
April fool's day.zzz went to school and got pwned by wayne's toy cockroach.ah well,wati freaked out too,LOL.
Thats all for this week.class tests this week! =/

Friday, March 26, 2010

Random 26/3/10'

Wah ncc today.part cs took over us today.i expected less pumping,but end up 1st training only get 5 already =/.i must say the new specs are quite fierce,but i hope for the best after pop.

Anyway it was the week of ACTUAL birthdays.we celebrated them on thursday,and i really regret not inviting the 2 chairmans,where kaiching is the other other bday boy.could have renamed it 3x bday bash =.= .mine came on monday,then tg's and kaiching came on yeah,gave them a belated bday present,both are really quite cute =P.actually i didnt prepare a gift for them,but tg didnt seem too happy about that ;D.

Just like some of the gifts i received,i gave them cute,but strange ones lol.kaiching received a box-shaped wrapper,and when he opened it,doing!a chicken toy smacked his face ;D.then tg's was a car sign that read:

"my parents said i could be anything i wanted,so i became an ASSHOLE"

lol.thats all for today :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Musical Landscape

Whoa concert today.4 hours playing music.from lesson to rehearsal,to concert.anyway the concert is not bad,except that i look abit weird in my performance suit(no photos on fb,dont bother).after reading the programme notes then i realised this is the conductor who assessed me for my dunman high appeal back 2 years wonder she kept staring at me=/ah well,she wanted to take me in,and luckily this time i didnt really disappoint.anyway i also realised that my stand partner(yes its her again) is a relative of seth tan from 2-6.that guy who pissed me off during pb outing.made new friends at SNYO,met a cat high guy in the orchestra(whew).going to go for assessment to get into main orchestra,leaving the training Sinfonia :D.

Hope it goes well,at least i can sight-read the song now :D

School reopening tmr,and i hvnt done both EL and CL

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Birthday! :)

st must be the happiest person around now.

I must admit that this must be the best birthday ever.
Ok my birthday only comes when school reopens,but it seems like we celebrated it a little early.Anyway,since it was also tg's birthday,the festivities on thursday was called the "double birthday bash + other random reasons for celebration".ok,this is partly also to celebrate me passing my piano exams=/.

Not going to talk too much about the party,just in case some readers die of jealousy.But,it was super fun!I had one last year,but since this year it was a DOUBLE bday bash,it had to get even bigger rite?anyway i think i should also do tg a favour,bet he never had a bday like that in awhile already.At first i thought it was a flop,cause some people came damn late,it was raining,and i had 3 guests who pang this party.even the badminton/table-tennis session was also quite a flop.but it was eventually made up with some great games and super-enthu people like yk.played bh,halo and fifa :D.must say that yongli's really good at fifa.Anyway with 3 foolish people absent,3 self-invited themselves and came(keshang,wuchi and jieying).so yeah,no losses :D.anyway i should have invited yanshen too,my mum was like "wheres the chairman,he's such a nice guy!"

It wasnt as elaborate as last year(cause my mum was at home,so no hide and seek),only games downstairs and scrabble/chess upstairs,but it was even better cos 10+ people squeezed inside the room and jammed to bh songs.luckily i put the xbox in the room,cos wuchi was randomly screaming into the mike.had a great dinner,played awhile more and cut cake(LOL). played awhile more and went back at 9.30pm.

Want to thank all who gave presents,yikai,wanterng,jiashao,tg,abel,yy and zicong.let's see some of the things i got:a galileo thermometer,boxes of chocolate,a dog toy,a set of pens,a doggie pencilcase etc.but the biggest bday present was that everyone helped made this event a success.imagine if everyone brought their own laptops to play,like in wayne's bbq=/.at first tg and wuchi were alittlebut antisocial,but eventually joined in the fun!

Sorry if i was alittle too cautious over the invitation,cos i wanted to make sure that immature people would not crash the event.imagine if ***** came and said the obscene stuffs in front of my mum!

With this party,hopefully it can wake my year up,and bond us together.enough said.anyway,was so touched cos my stand partner gave me a thoughtful!tmr is the SNYO concert :D.gotta prepare!

With so much happening,must not forget that school's reopening on monday =/

Photos are up on facebook!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

change of language

ok i just realised my english for the previous post was super ris low =.=. so i guess i will be using more proper english now

holidays - part 1

haha 1st day of holiday,and had a busy weekend --quite.went to 2 bh comps(which were quite screwed la dont want talk abt it =/)but the highlight perhaps is the trip to bugis to meet adam lambert.cannot go showcase,no autograph =(.but for a 1st time meeting a famous personality,i am super satisfied liao.hopefully i somehow can catch him when he comes for a full-length concert.but...i just spent so much of my earned $400 =/

First blog!