Monday, May 17, 2010

2-5 : Revenge of the cute people

Ah gawd my results damn cmi.i've already got 13pts,and that dosent include history.damnit looks like i wont be getting my 1st 2 wants this year,although its just 30% so far (sorry bryan).the most iritating thing,i failed the bloody chinese common test(by 0.5 mark) cos i didnt mug for 填写汉字.noobster la end up got screwed by zxm,then go home get screwed by my mum =.= .argh gonna mug that component this term.besides that,science,maths all damn screwed also.esp maths,1st time never get A1,damn 欠揍.somemore all careless mistakes,what never put negative sign,sketch wrongly zzz =.= gotta stop making careless mistakes.die although i dont really need triple science,cant get there really lao kui.

Actually i have a good reason for those decline.notice its only at the start of this term that wanterng and ttan sat beside me.both werent high flyers in chinese. but this time round both were the described this as 瞎猫捉到死老鼠.yup,im guess im the dead mouse,split into two by a vampire pig and a vampire teddy bear :'( .not sure if the vampire pig leeched the vampire teddy bear in english though =.=

Yup so i guess i will be mugging this holiday.

Then we had ncc trng after a long while.whoa i think we did one of our best drills of all time,until clinton screwed up the timing =.= .then ran 1rd ard bishan park with sir.woots.

Then sat was supposed to be chma for me.want watch with cousin,but end up he want stay home and study.aiyo.i heard it was damn epic,esp esmond's band who played 2 songs by iron maiden and green day.whoa must be damn epic.crowd asked for encore,end up they got disqualified because of the encore.sad.but the encore was the trooper by iron year must srsly go watch chma!

Ah yes on that night lei koko came back after a LONG voyage from qingdao to san francisco(spelling fail lol).ok he also went for holiday in LA.but anyway we werent supposed to pick him,but my lil' bro was pestering my dad,so we went in the end.whoa how 3mths flies.caught up with him and then had supper at 12.40am =.= LOL.Ah yes,this blog was created just after he went,so welcome to my blog LOL!reached home at ard 2.30am.whoa damn tired.

Not done yet :D .next day under mutton's recommendation we went to nando's chicken.whoa quite nice.queued for ard 40mins.whoa torturing.the smell was coming out from the kitchen,making me uber hungry.really quite nice,although its not sth i will have the urge to eat again.everything was good,just that i ate too much and got too full,then want to vomit.aiyo sad.


1 comment:

  1. Nando's Chicken? Ate it in Penang once. It was really damn nice, especially with their beri-beri sauce.
