Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Annual camp

Havent posted for >2wks already.

Just got back from annual camp,which was quite boring compared to last year's.

1st day : went ifc,played owned.

Then tg(aka goodguy ic) left our group(foxtrot) cos he trauma after getting taopoked.then go hospital.zzz all this in the middle of the night.after that ttan took over as ic cos i day even worse,supposed to go heritage trail,but end up raining so it got our 2nd day was spent doing stuff like building tall chains of marshmallows(ours toppled). whole day everyone like damn emo.its not anyone's fault,im sure even the ics are pissed also.afterall heritage trail is supposed to be the essence of the camp.then played wargame in the night owned.especially 2nd game,when all of us were killed by sir for shining torchlight at him =.="'.in the night me and ttan spent time doing cheer (which really sucked,but can we be blamed?)and chose POC(he went on to become OOC).during this period we lost the rifle/flag about 4-5 times le >< .

Went home on the next day.woke up damn late today.with lots of cramps.

zzz so perhaps the 3d2n approach this time didnt work well.or perhaps if there was heritage trail i could hv written YOU RAIN!!! but anyway we did more reflection this least we take something out of this.

Hope tg get well soon.byebye.*yawn*

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