Monday, May 31, 2010

Argh...finally D:

I thought this post will posted.

Clue: my last want is fufilled

At the most unexpected time,wan terng found me on fbchat to ask me whether i want to go watch prince of persia.and 2 posts ago i was,it felt great! :) and even more that its the end of may!

Prince of persia was quite epic,many many fight scenes,which is nice to see.but wan terng keep on holding my hand cos he say he feel cold =.= wtf with his natural insulation and long-sleeves?!!!!!woots!so happy about this!LOL.hope we can watch movies.

Also last saturday,me and yy went to be part of the record for having the 1st mass walk lead by audio.which is the "live it up without lighting up" campaign!quite cool,it was lead by soo,then daniel ong was waiting at the end point.and we had to follow instructions on 987fm and stuff.but i dont think i will ever take tobacco =/ after the walk was a party,which featured some great acts.i <3 one which had 2 french people showing off football skills.whoa.

Great start to june holidays!lots of catch up to do still!

But,at 14 years 2 months and 9 days old,i finally broke the curse of never watching movies with friends :)

And yes,i finally have a post with nothing to kp about again

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