Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Musical Landscape

Whoa concert today.4 hours playing music.from lesson to rehearsal,to concert.anyway the concert is not bad,except that i look abit weird in my performance suit(no photos on fb,dont bother).after reading the programme notes then i realised this is the conductor who assessed me for my dunman high appeal back 2 years wonder she kept staring at me=/ah well,she wanted to take me in,and luckily this time i didnt really disappoint.anyway i also realised that my stand partner(yes its her again) is a relative of seth tan from 2-6.that guy who pissed me off during pb outing.made new friends at SNYO,met a cat high guy in the orchestra(whew).going to go for assessment to get into main orchestra,leaving the training Sinfonia :D.

Hope it goes well,at least i can sight-read the song now :D

School reopening tmr,and i hvnt done both EL and CL

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