Friday, March 26, 2010

Random 26/3/10'

Wah ncc today.part cs took over us today.i expected less pumping,but end up 1st training only get 5 already =/.i must say the new specs are quite fierce,but i hope for the best after pop.

Anyway it was the week of ACTUAL birthdays.we celebrated them on thursday,and i really regret not inviting the 2 chairmans,where kaiching is the other other bday boy.could have renamed it 3x bday bash =.= .mine came on monday,then tg's and kaiching came on yeah,gave them a belated bday present,both are really quite cute =P.actually i didnt prepare a gift for them,but tg didnt seem too happy about that ;D.

Just like some of the gifts i received,i gave them cute,but strange ones lol.kaiching received a box-shaped wrapper,and when he opened it,doing!a chicken toy smacked his face ;D.then tg's was a car sign that read:

"my parents said i could be anything i wanted,so i became an ASSHOLE"

lol.thats all for today :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Musical Landscape

Whoa concert today.4 hours playing music.from lesson to rehearsal,to concert.anyway the concert is not bad,except that i look abit weird in my performance suit(no photos on fb,dont bother).after reading the programme notes then i realised this is the conductor who assessed me for my dunman high appeal back 2 years wonder she kept staring at me=/ah well,she wanted to take me in,and luckily this time i didnt really disappoint.anyway i also realised that my stand partner(yes its her again) is a relative of seth tan from 2-6.that guy who pissed me off during pb outing.made new friends at SNYO,met a cat high guy in the orchestra(whew).going to go for assessment to get into main orchestra,leaving the training Sinfonia :D.

Hope it goes well,at least i can sight-read the song now :D

School reopening tmr,and i hvnt done both EL and CL

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Birthday! :)

st must be the happiest person around now.

I must admit that this must be the best birthday ever.
Ok my birthday only comes when school reopens,but it seems like we celebrated it a little early.Anyway,since it was also tg's birthday,the festivities on thursday was called the "double birthday bash + other random reasons for celebration".ok,this is partly also to celebrate me passing my piano exams=/.

Not going to talk too much about the party,just in case some readers die of jealousy.But,it was super fun!I had one last year,but since this year it was a DOUBLE bday bash,it had to get even bigger rite?anyway i think i should also do tg a favour,bet he never had a bday like that in awhile already.At first i thought it was a flop,cause some people came damn late,it was raining,and i had 3 guests who pang this party.even the badminton/table-tennis session was also quite a flop.but it was eventually made up with some great games and super-enthu people like yk.played bh,halo and fifa :D.must say that yongli's really good at fifa.Anyway with 3 foolish people absent,3 self-invited themselves and came(keshang,wuchi and jieying).so yeah,no losses :D.anyway i should have invited yanshen too,my mum was like "wheres the chairman,he's such a nice guy!"

It wasnt as elaborate as last year(cause my mum was at home,so no hide and seek),only games downstairs and scrabble/chess upstairs,but it was even better cos 10+ people squeezed inside the room and jammed to bh songs.luckily i put the xbox in the room,cos wuchi was randomly screaming into the mike.had a great dinner,played awhile more and cut cake(LOL). played awhile more and went back at 9.30pm.

Want to thank all who gave presents,yikai,wanterng,jiashao,tg,abel,yy and zicong.let's see some of the things i got:a galileo thermometer,boxes of chocolate,a dog toy,a set of pens,a doggie pencilcase etc.but the biggest bday present was that everyone helped made this event a success.imagine if everyone brought their own laptops to play,like in wayne's bbq=/.at first tg and wuchi were alittlebut antisocial,but eventually joined in the fun!

Sorry if i was alittle too cautious over the invitation,cos i wanted to make sure that immature people would not crash the event.imagine if ***** came and said the obscene stuffs in front of my mum!

With this party,hopefully it can wake my year up,and bond us together.enough said.anyway,was so touched cos my stand partner gave me a thoughtful!tmr is the SNYO concert :D.gotta prepare!

With so much happening,must not forget that school's reopening on monday =/

Photos are up on facebook!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

change of language

ok i just realised my english for the previous post was super ris low =.=. so i guess i will be using more proper english now

holidays - part 1

haha 1st day of holiday,and had a busy weekend --quite.went to 2 bh comps(which were quite screwed la dont want talk abt it =/)but the highlight perhaps is the trip to bugis to meet adam lambert.cannot go showcase,no autograph =(.but for a 1st time meeting a famous personality,i am super satisfied liao.hopefully i somehow can catch him when he comes for a full-length concert.but...i just spent so much of my earned $400 =/

First blog!