Monday, April 26, 2010

Crappish stuff!

Eee...the past week was full of tests...or retests,whatever.

1st failed science,then failed 2 maths.zzz those are my 2 best subjects,and i'm failing class tests.then we had retests,mdm ee's was much easier,so was mrs lim's.guess what,though not everyone failed,all came for mdm ee's retest,just because she said she will take the higher score,which means to say that theres no penalty for failing =.= .mrs lim's?she came in (or rather the replacement teacher came),and gave us a retest,while on mc =.= .wtf dont even have time to study.argh tomorrow acc test >.< .science?though max mark for me now is 10/20,which is quite certain,A1's definitely not out of reach,cos SPA ftw man!and now that i got all the bloody concepts right...anyway,today we also got back our compre,wanterng leech me and ttan by sitting with us in groups,or in lessons,playing with my ear,then we make him do everything,thats why he got so high for compre =.= .zzz he distract us cause us to score badly,then he do so well,the ways of the hacker,or trickster...=.=

Oh and speaking of terence tan(with yikai's melodic voice of course),lets talk about him on a lighter note.he sits beside me,and distracts me by looking like a teddy bear =.= .he is a quite boy,and gets irritated easily,thats why he's a quiet boy =.= .likes to say random things and do random things to people within a 2.69m radius of him.recently he has also been leeching me like wanterng.i remember 1 term ago he was copying my hw,and im teaching him algebra,but so fast its been the exact opposite now.well i just hope we can all get through,and i think im leeching his english too =.=,but not as much as maths.

Recently alotalot of things have been happening in our friday fights between that 2 guys(or gals xD) who have the same face shape.between those 4 people,ilike wanterng and keshang more.because wanterng is a chubby guy,and perhaps a glutton,but also friendly.keshang is abit extra,hey but he's nice to play with.but i dono why wanterng master resetted keshang's phone.seriously i didnt expect wanterng.ok enough of this nonsense,i just hope things go better soon.

I know my blog is not as humourous as certain people's,like tg(see,but its not really meant to be that way either.cos im a bad joker imo,so i shall not be a any ways i will try,but dont suan me ok? :D


Thursday, April 22, 2010


I admit i had a super poor last 2 weeks,but things are getting better,if only bit by bit.

Yesterday we had investiture,but who knew i was only 1 shave away from not being able to be invested.i as given 1 day to thing about stepping down,and thanks to the support of the people around me,i chose to stay on,risking the sack anytime.

I thought after the rehearsal,that invest maybe wasnt so big after all,but i realised it was much bigger than i thought.most of us had a guest school to take,and lucky yann yih got nygh andrews was supposed to come too,but i guess they were too scared so they AWOL.anyway it was quite grand,in my perspective.oh yeah,when it was time for guest schools to receive souveneirs,nygh ,st nicks and RI got the loudest cheers.LOL.not sure why they cheer for RI :O

Anyway with this invest comes a huge load of responsibilities,and i can't afford to compromise on the oath anymore(you know what i mean),so i guess i will be taking these measures to prove that im not just talking:

1.meeting jia ler at bus stop at 6.45 everyday
2.making sure i reach school by 7.10 everyday(ok they are linked)
3.asking for opinions from other SLs

Yup,im really trying to make the effort to serve well,and not just be an SL that dosent seem to be one.i hope you guys can understand what im trying to do :)

Recently my academics have been quite on a low.1st science,then maths.luckily science can still be saved with good SPA/main paper results,and maths can be re-tested,and the higher mark will be taken.problem is,the other class test is equally screwed,with almost/no one finishing,especially that 7m question,so i guess we are all GG.why is everything becoming so hard?well if everything is becoming so hard i guess i will mug 1x10^(the magic number) then.

Until then,thats all for this post :)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Maybe turning 14 wasnt so good after all.

Never had to deliberate about passing napfa as far as sec sch is concerned.but guess what,the standing board jump passing mark for 14 yrs is 18cm higher than 13 yrs.and the passing mark for 14 is D grade for 13.unfair sia.i jumped 181.zzz.emo.

The past week including this week was test was so screwed...y and x mixed up.then,SNYO audition into main orchestra failed,by 1 mark.zzzzzzzzz^69

This is not the 1st time im swaying for 1 mark.everytime i just have to miss by that magic number,or else i would have got the whole world by now. the most frustrating thing...that 1 mark is made by the seemingly stupidest mistakes in the world.perhpas its just reality.sigh.

But on second thought,maybe its good that i didnt get in,cos' that would only make me 1x10^69 times busier than i already am.

LOL got scolded by zhang lao shi for saying 69 in class.surprisingly she knew what it was O.o

Hope for a 1x10^69 times better week!LOL

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blogger stuff update 1

The "Favourite music of the week" section has only 5 songs,unlike radiodaydream/987's top20.this is because the chart was just launched.gradually it will be expanded,and will include the weeks/peak/postion change bar.


Had a great week!actually there were some bad days,but here lets be positive!caught up with maths/science on monday just before class test,had cross-country on tuesday,and a filled april fools day.
Cross-country was usual,i went for my yearly breakfast at macs,this time with friends!supposed to take a bus there,but somebody...decided to go oppsite bus stop and take 52,causing us to be delayed by 30 mins LOL.the track was jungle-filled,then suddenly we were running on lornie quite cool,especially when you rush down that tight slope.
April fool's day.zzz went to school and got pwned by wayne's toy cockroach.ah well,wati freaked out too,LOL.
Thats all for this week.class tests this week! =/